Car depot: Sell at the best price, in ~15 days

Vente Auto Prestige Avis

91% Customer Satisfaction : With Vente Auto Prestige, choose a fast, professional and secure service.

Alexis F.
Alexis F.
Very good service for an M4, the dealer handled everything from start to finish (cleaning, visits, payment).
Ludovic B.
Ludovic B.
I sold my Toy yesterday with Vente Auto Prestige and couldn't be happier with my experience. Exceptional customer service and fast transaction. Go with your eyes closed
David B.
David B.
The dealer found me a serious buyer in less than 1 month.
Lydia M.
Lydia M.
They surpassed my expectations, originally I just wanted to sell my vehicle, but in the end they even had a replacement! I didn't know what the concept was, but it's really practical.
Tarik A.
Tarik A.
I was able to sell my Twingo in less than 2 weeks, very practical service, efficient, I recommend.
Dimitri S.
Dimitri S.
Very professional relationship with the salesperson, who really specializes in high-end products (unlike other services).
Idriss M.
Idriss M.
I sold my 2012 C-Class without a hitch, and the professional was very helpful.
Alex P.
Alex P.
Professional, efficient service, friendly agency manager
Igor M.
Igor M.
I was able to sell my Golf without having to deal with visits, curious onlookers or people who wanted to negotiate excessively, who didn't have the funds... A real time-saver.
Mike V.
Mike V.
Sale of my car thanks to Thomas, thank you for the responsiveness of the team.
Patrice H.
Patrice H.
Good estimate, quick response and immediate contact with the network.
Renée B.
Renée B.
Contact made 3 weeks ago, partner contacted quickly and sold this afternoon at asking price.

Table of contents

How does a car depot work?

Welcome to the world of depot-sale, a modern and secure option for selling your used car. Our method at Vente Auto Prestige guarantees a smooth, hassle-free experience for both seller and buyer.

1. Évaluation gratuite
Pour commencer, le processus débute par une évaluation gratuite de votre véhicule. Vous pouvez demander une estimation sur la page d’accueil de notre site internet.

2. Prise de RDV
Après avoir accepté notre estimation en ligne, nous vous inviterons à prendre RDV dans l’une de nos nombreuses agences pour procéder à l’inspection physique du véhicule. Cette étape (sans engagement) est cruciale déterminera la valeur réelle et précise de votre véhicule sur le marché. Le prix de vente défini vous intéresse ? C’est parti !

3. Mise en valeur de votre voiture
Votre voiture bénéficie d’une mise en valeur soignée. Cela inclut un nettoyage approfondi, la résolution de petits défauts esthétiques, et la préparation pour la séance de photos professionnelles (entre 10 et 30 photos HD).

4. Ajout d’une garantie
Si votre véhicule a – de 10 ans et – de 150 000 km, nous ajoutons systématiquement une garantie 12 mois sur le véhicule.

5. Publication des annonces
Pour information, il n’est pas nécessaire de laisser le véhicule chez nous. Grâce à notre méthode, le dépôt-vente virtuel, si vous avez besoin de votre véhicule au quotidien, il restera entre vos mains jusqu’à sa vente. 
Notre équipe expérimentée se charge de promouvoir votre voiture sur diverses plateformes en ligne, maximisant ainsi sa visibilité et sa vitesse de vente (2 semaines en moyenne).

6. Gestion des visites et négociations
Nous gérons les visites et les négociations avec les acheteurs potentiels. Notre objectif est d’obtenir le meilleur prix pour votre voiture, tout en garantissant une expérience d’achat positive pour l’acheteur.

7. Gestion du contrôle technique
Si nécessaire, le contrôle technique sera passé pour conclure la vente.

8. Transaction sécurisée
Une fois la vente conclue, nous nous occupons de toutes les formalités administratives. La transaction se fait en toute sécurité, protégeant vendeur et acheteur via un compte séquestre. Nous vérifions la solvabilité de l’acheteur.

9. Transparence & Règlement rapide
Tout au long du processus, nous prônons la transparence. Vous serez informé à chaque étape et recevez rapidement le règlement de la vente.

Choosing Vente Auto Prestige to sell your car means benefiting from a complete service, from start to finish. Estimate your vehicle now to start the process and sell your car with complete peace of mind.

White BMW sedan headlight

Comparison of the best depot solutions




Year of creation

Customer reviews

La Centrale

Long-established company in the sector

No depot-sale, only buy-back (Le Rachat Express)


A good platform for selling your vehicle yourself

Fast service, extensive network

Doesn't offer depot-sale, only cash buy-back.


Redemption sometimes at knock-down prices

Prestige Car Sales

Core business, large network of over 60 sites throughout France.

Some rare models not eligible / which will sell out in 1 month.


Fast sales, express pick-up

Via Automobile

Strong dealer network

Few dealerships, especially in the north of France, do more than depot-sale.


Quality after-sales service

Agence Automobilière

Specialized in depot-sale for 20 years

Very few agencies in France.


Friendly sales staff, low commission


Also offers trade-in

Very few agencies.


Good service

Discover the advantages of car sales depots for private individuals

An increasingly popular option for selling used cars, consignment offers a number of advantages to individuals seeking to maximize the value of their vehicle while simplifying the sales process.

Professional enhancement:
By opting for a depot-sale, your car benefits from professional enhancement. A thorough cleaning , cosmetic touch-ups , quality photographs and a 12-month warranty are all carried out to make your vehicle irresistible to buyers.

Expertise du marché :
Les professionnels du dépôt-vente, tels que Vente Auto Prestige, possèdent une expertise approfondie du marché automobile. Ils sont en mesure d’estimer la juste valeur de votre voiture, vous assurant un prix réaliste.

Management of administrative formalities:
The often complex administrative aspects of the sale(deed of sale, certificate of non-discharge...) are taken care of by our teams. From the preparation of documents to the management of formalities, you'll avoid administrative hassles.

Maximum visibility:
Your car is professionally promoted on various online platforms. This ensures increased visibility and reaches a wide audience of potential buyers, increasing the chances of a lightning sale.

Transaction security:
By choosing a reputable service such as Vente Auto Prestige, you benefit from enhanced transaction security. Professional management of visits and negotiations, as well as the use of an escrow account for settlement, guarantee a worry-free sale.

Saving time:
Selling your car can be a time-consuming process, but with depot-sale, you' ll save a lot of time. Our teams take care of every step, from initial evaluation to closing the sale. On average, we sell our customers' vehicles within 15 days.

Access to a network of buyers:
Yards often have an established network of potential buyers. This speeds up the sales process by targeting people already interested in similar cars.

No storage constraints:
By entrusting your car to a sales depot, you can leave it in our hands, freeing up space in your home. No need to juggle with the storage constraints associated with selling a vehicle.

Private garage sales represent a smart, worry-free alternative for selling your car.

Rolls Royce headlight in Los Angeles

Comparison between car depot, cash buyback and private sale

The decision to sell your car can raise many questions, not least of which is how to go about it. Let's take a closer look at the advantages and disadvantages of consignment sales, cash buy-backs and private sales.

Garage sale:
- Optimum selling price: Vente Auto Prestige's depot-sale offers you the chance to sell your car at a competitive price, thanks to the credibility of a Pro ad, a 12-month warranty and a professional photoshoot.
- Time saving and administrative management: The professional management of the process by our experienced teams ensures a secure and serene transaction for the seller, while relieving him of the administrative tasks associated with the sale.
- Sales time: Although faster than sales between private individuals, depot-sale takes an average of 15 days.

Cash buyback :
- Fast transaction: Cash buyback offers a fast transaction, ideal for those who need money fast.
-Very low selling price: The main disadvantage of cash buybacks is the selling price, which is often well below market value (up to €6,000 less).
- Lack of transparency : Cash buyback offers can be lack transparencyleaving room for subjective assessments.

Sale between private individuals:
- High sales price potential: Private sales can offer a high selling price, but this depends on the market and negotiations.
- Time-consuming and uncertain: This method of selling is often time-consuming, requiring effort to manage ads and appointments. What's more, the security of the transaction is highly uncertain.
- Complex negotiations & administrative procedures: Negotiations can be complex, especially with unserious buyersIt's often difficult to find common ground on price. You also have to manage the various documents after the sale.

In conclusion, is a well-balanced solution, offering a compromise between the rapidity of a cash buy-back and the optimal selling price of a private sale.
At Vente Auto Prestige, we're here to help you achieve a successful, secure sale at the best possible price. Opt for peace of mind by choosing to sell your car with us.

Volkswagen Golf 7R Red in an underground parking lot

Vehicle selection criteria at car dealerships

The criteria we use to select the cars that enter our depot-sale agencies are rigorous, guaranteeing a positive experience for sellers and buyers alike.

1. General condition of the vehicle:
The general condition of the vehicle is a fundamental criterion. We look for well-maintained cars, both mechanically and aesthetically. A well-groomed appearance and good working order are essential to meet our customers' high expectations.

2. Controlled mileage:
We take into account the vehicle's mileage, a key factor in assessing its wear and tear and market value. A vehicle with a mileage of less than 150,000 km will generally qualify for a warranty at the time of sale.

3. Historique du véhicule :
L’historique du véhicule est minutieusement examiné. Nous privilégions les voitures avec un historique d’entretien complet, sans antécédents d’accidents majeurs, et dont la documentation est en ordre.

4. Options and features :
Vehicle options and features are also taken into account. Cars with modern features and top-of-the-range equipment are often more attractive to our customers.

5. Thorough technical evaluation:
Every car undergoes a thorough technical evaluation. This includes mechanical, electronic and bodywork checks to ensure that only quality cars enter our network.

3 quarters ahead Red Porsche 914 parked in front of a house

Car depot: How to maximize the sale price?

Selling your car at an attractive price is a major concern for any owner. Vente Auto Prestige's depot-sale service offers a well-thought-out method for maximizing the sale price while benefiting from numerous advantages.

Accurate, transparent valuation:
The physical appraisal of your vehicle is carried out with precision, based on objective criteria such as general condition, mileage, history, and features. At Vente Auto Prestige, we are transparent about how this valuation is carried out, providing a solid basis for maximizing the selling price.

Professional presentation:
Your car is professionally presented in our advertisements and in our agencies. Careful staging, accompanied by quality pro photos , attracts buyers' attention and helps maximize its appeal.

Addition of a 12-month warranty:
If your vehicle is recent (less than 10 years old) and has low mileage (less than 150,000km), it will automatically benefit from a 12-month warranty at the time of sale: this gives buyers greater confidence .

Negotiation management:
Our experienced teams handle negotiations with buyers professionally. This ensures an optimal selling price while ensuring a fair transaction.

Personalized advice:
We provide personalized advice to maximize the value of your vehicle. Whether it's minor repairs, cosmetic improvements or adjustments, we'll guide you to optimize your car before you sell it.

Market :
Vente Auto Prestige constantly monitors trends in the automotive market. This enables us to adjust our sales strategies according to demand, and tooptimize the selling price accordingly.

White Volvo station wagon rear

Free estimate for a used car garage sale

At Vente Auto Prestige, we understand the importance of starting the selling process with an accurate estimate. That's why we offer a free estimate for your used car, an essential service to provide you with a realistic understanding of your vehicle's market value.

How does our free estimate work?

Analyse des critères du marché :
Nous analysons les critères du marché en temps réel. Cela inclut la demande actuelle pour des modèles similaires, les tendances du marché local et national, ainsi que d’autres facteurs qui peuvent influencer la valeur de votre véhicule.

Historique du véhicule :
L’historique du véhicule joue un rôle crucial dans l’estimation. Nous examinons les antécédents d’entretien, les accidents éventuels, le kilométrage, options et autres aspects qui peuvent affecter la valeur de revente.

Une estimation réaliste :
Dites adieu aux estimations en ligne gonflées : nous ne souhaitons pas vous faire déplacer pour rien. Nos estimations sont là pour vous donner une idée du prix de vente réel de votre véhicule.

Équipe d’experts à proximité de chez vous :
Grâce à nos multiples agences partenaires, vous serez (presque) toujours près d’un professionnel qualifié et passionnés par l’automobile. Son expertise assure une estimation juste et compétitive.

Flexibilité et confort :
Nous comprenons que votre temps est précieux. Notre service d’estimation est conçu pour être rapide et pratique.

Pas d’engagement immédiat :
L’estimation que nous fournissons est sans engagement immédiat. Vous avez le temps de considérer votre décision sans pression.

You can get your free estimate and start the consignment process right now on our home page. At Vente Auto Prestige, we're with you every step of the way, guaranteeing a hassle-free and profitable experience for the sale of your used car.

Porsche 996 interior

What is an auto remarketing contract?

A car sales contract is a legal agreement between the owner of a vehicle and a sales professional, such as a dealer or specialized agency, for the sale of the vehicle on the owner's behalf. The aim is to offer a secure alternative to direct sales between private individuals, with advantages such as increased visibility and access to a network of qualified potential buyers.

Depot-sale means that the professional takes charge of presenting, promoting and selling the car in exchange for a commission, often set as a percentage of the final sale price.

The owner remains the legal owner of the vehicle until the sale is completed, which means that he or she retains legal responsibility for the vehicle until it is sold, including insurance and maintenance costs if stipulated in the contract.

Mercedes Benz GLK 220 CDi 4Matic 2015

Essential elements to include in a car dealer contract

To ensure transparency and avoid misunderstandings, a car dealer contract must contain specific information, such as :

- Identity and contact details of parties: Name, address and contact details of owner and professional.
-Complete vehicle description: Make, model, year, mileage, serial number (VIN), current condition, recent repairs, and all relevant particulars.
- Desired selling price and payment terms: The owner can set a minimum price or leave the professional free to negotiate within a predetermined range.
-Commission and service charges: Specify the percentage or fixed amount of the commission, as well as any charges for displaying, preparing or cleaning the vehicle.
-Contract duration: Include a clause on the period of validity of the agreement.
-Liability and insurance: Who is responsible for damage, theft or incidents during the depot-sale period.
-Termination conditions: In the event of non-sale or dispute, it is useful to indicate the procedures for terminating the contract.

A well-drafted contract helps prevent disagreements, and certain points are governed by the French Commercial Code to protect the rights of both parties.

The owner's rights and responsibilities in a car dealership

As an owner, you have certain obligations when you entrust your car to a car dealer. The professional takes care of the sale, but the owner must ensure that the contractual clauses are respected.

Owner's rights:
- Set the terms of the sale: The owner can set a minimum sale price, maintaining control over the estimated value of the vehicle.
- Monitor the sale process: As the owner, you are entitled to request regular reports on visits, offers and progress.
- Terminate the contract in the event of non-sale: In the event of non-sale at the end of the agreed period, the owner may recover the vehicle at no extra cost if this is stipulated in the contract.

Owner's responsibilities:
- Vehicle insurance: The responsibility for insurance often remains with the owner. This coverage is essential, as it protects in the event of an incident when the vehicle is on display.
- Providing accurate information: The information provided on the vehicle's condition and history must be accurate, as it engages the owner's responsibility and influences buyer confidence.
- Payment of maintenance costs if necessary: Depending on the clauses, the owner may be responsible for basic maintenance, such as battery recharging or minor repairs, to ensure the vehicle's good appearance.

BMW X4 rear white

What you need to know about the duration of a consignment contract

The duration of a car sales contract generally varies from 1 to 3 months, although some professionals may offer more flexible duration options depending on the local market and vehicle type. A sales contract term allows both parties to agree on a period of time in which to attempt to sell the vehicle, while offering a renewal option if necessary.

Several factors can influence the optimal length of the contract:
- Market demand: In some cases, an SUV or city car may sell faster than a used sedan, requiring a shorter depot-sale period.
The condition and age of the vehicle: Newer vehicles with low mileage may sell quickly, while older vehicles may require more time.
- Seasonal fluctuations: For example, a sports car may be more in demand in summer, which could influence the choice of term.

Some contracts include an automatic renewal clause to avoid lengthy administrative procedures. Nevertheless, if the vehicle is not sold by the end of the agreed period, the owner can reclaim the car or, depending on the conditions, renegotiate the price for a new one.

What to do in the event of a dispute with the depot-sale professional?

In the event of disagreement or dispute, the owner has several options for resolving the situation and recovering his or her property or obtaining compensation.

1. Check the contract clauses
Reread the termination clauses and the conditions governing disputes. In some cases, a simple dialogue can resolve the problem.

2. Use of a mediator
Before taking any legal steps, it is advisable to call on the services of a professional mediator, often available from local chambers of commerce, who will be able to intervene impartially.

3. Contact a lawyer or the relevant authorities
If the dispute persists and involves substantial sums, legal recourse may be considered. The French Consumer Code regulates transactions and protects consumers' rights against abusive practices. It may be useful to consult a lawyer specializing in commercial law for legal assistance.

4. Bring the case before a competent court
As a last resort, if the amount in dispute is significant, the commercial court can be called upon to rule on the validity of the professional's practices. This should be the last option, as it is both time-consuming and costly.

A well-written, detailed and transparent car remarketing contract is essential to avoid conflicts, and anticipating possible disagreements reinforces trust between owner and professional.

White Peugeot 208 city car under a sunset

Solvency check and secure payment for car sales-depots

When you choose depot-sale as an option for selling your car, checking the potential buyer's creditworthiness and securing payment are crucial. At Vente Auto Prestige, we understand the importance of these aspects and have put measures in place to ensure a transaction in complete confidence.

Credit check:
Before we agree to sell your vehicle to a buyer, we perform a thorough thorough check of the potential buyer's creditworthiness. This ensures that the buyer has the financial capacity to conclude the transaction satisfactorily. This helps to avoid any risk of default.

Payment security :
To guarantee secure payment, Vente Auto Prestige's partner agencies use an escrow account. This mechanism consists of placing the funds linked to the transaction in a third-party accountindependent of the parties involved in the sale. Payment is only released when all the conditions of the conditions of sale are fulfilled, offering maximum maximum security for both seller and buyer.

Why use an escrow account?

Protection for the seller:
By using an escrow account, the seller is assured that funds are available before the vehicle leaves. This eliminates the risk of non-payment.

Confidence for the buyer:
On the buyer's side, the escrow account offers a guarantee that payment will only be made if the vehicle matches agreed expectations and descriptions.

Credit checks and the use of an escrow account are an integral part of our commitment to transparent, worry-free transactions.

What is commission in auto remarketing?

The commission charged by the garage or professional seller at the time of sale is calculated before the vehicle is put up for sale. This amount is calculated before the vehicle is put up for sale, and can vary according to the services offered and the value of the vehicle.

By opting for a depot-sale, you entrust the sale of your car to professionals who take care of advertising, visits, negotiations and closing the sale. In exchange for these services, the depot-sale receives a commission.

How does commission-based pricing work in car remarketing?

Commission-based pricing in car remarketing generally works as follows: the remarketer sets a percentage of the final sales price as commission or a fixed sum.

This percentage, varying between 3% and 10% of the vehicle price, depends on a number of factors, such as the value of the vehicle, its general condition and the services included in the depot-sale contract. Once the vehicle has been sold, the consignment company deducts its commission from the final sale price before passing on the remainder to you. This sum is called the net seller's price.

At Vente Auto Prestige, this commission isaround €1,500 and varies according to the cost of the vehicle and the services chosen.

For a vehicle costing over €100,000, depot-sale commissions are around €3,000 to €6,000, as a sale of this type requires special care, more extensive preparation and a more expensive warranty .

What are the factors that influence the commission price of a depot-sale?

Depot commission rates for car sales can vary depending on a number of factors. Here's a detailed analysis of the main factors influencing the commission price in depot-sales:

Vehicle value: The value of your vehicle is one of the key factors in determining the price of a commission in depot-sale. The higher the value of your car, the higher the commission. Yards can charge a fixed commission or a percentage of the vehicle's sale value.

Options and services included: Some depot-sales offer a range of services included in their commission, such as cleaning, detailing, warranty, advertising, etc.
The more options and services included, the higher the commission. So it's important to understand which services are included in the commission and whether they are necessary for the sale of your car.

Exclusive sales : Some sales depots offer preferential rates if you entrust them with the exclusive sale of your car. In exchange for this exclusivity, the depot may be willing to reduce its commission

Depot location and reputation: Commission rates may vary depending on the geographical location of the sales depot and its reputation in the market. Depots located in high-demand areas or prestigious neighborhoods may charge higher commissions due to their greater visibility and more affluent potential clientele .

Negotiation: Finally, it's always possible to negotiate commission rates with the sales depot. Don't hesitate to talk to the depot manager to obtain a more advantageous rate, especially if you're bringing in a high-priced car or if you intend to entrust the depot with exclusive sales rights.

By understanding these factors, you'll be better equipped to choose the depot that best suits your needs, and to negotiate the best rates for the sale of your car.

Aston martin Coupé V8 Red on the freeway

The different pricing models for car depot commissions

There are several pricing models for car depots:

- Fixed commission: a fixed amount (usually between €1,000 and €2,000) is deducted from the final sales price.
- Percentage commission:
a percentage of the final sales price is deducted as commission. This percentage isbetween 5% and 10% for those who offer this type of pricing.

These different models allow sellers to choose the one that best suits their needs and budget.

Grey Mercedes AMG GTR parked in an outdoor parking lot



Secured & Legally framed


Higher than a trade-in


On average to sell your car

FAQ : How does the car depot work?

Car depot-sale is a sales method in which you entrust the sale of your vehicle to a professional. The latter handles the marketing and transactions on your behalf.

At Vente Auto Prestige, our depot-sale method is physical or virtual. If need be, you don't have to leave your vehicle with us. It remains in your hands until you sell it.

There's no need to leave the vehicle with us. Thanks to our virtual depot-sale method, if you need your vehicle on a daily basis, it will remain in your hands until you sell it.
Yes, you can do a garage sale with a leased car. We'll take care of managing the end of the leasing contract and easing the transition.

Taking an average of 15 days to sell, consignment sales generally enable you to sell more quickly, benefiting from the visibility and expertise of a professional.

The selling price is determined by taking into account the market, the condition of the vehicle and specific criteria. We work together to set a fair price.
You'll need the usual documents, such as the vehicle registration document, roadworthiness certificate and maintenance invoices. We'll guide you through the process.

Depending on the partner agency, you may be able to withdraw your vehicle from the sales depot at any time, or at the end of the term, but it is advisable to keep it on the market to maximize your chances of success. For more information, don't hesitate to ask for advice in our agencies or by phone.

Our depot-sale fees are transparent and discussed at the initial appraisal. They cover the professional services we provide to sell your car. Depending on the price range of your vehicle, this fee is around €1300. The commission usually varies between €1000 and €2000 on the final sale price of the car, but this may vary depending on the services included in the package. 

Our sales depots accept a wide range of vehicles: sedans, city cars, convertibles, SUVs, vans, commercial vehicles, and sometimes even motorcycles.

A physical depot-vente stores your vehicle on its premises and manages the entire sale on the spot, whereas with a virtual depot-vente, if you need your vehicle on a daily basis, it will remain in your hands, outside of visiting days, until it is sold.